It is well known that rats are social animals. Rats express several
types of affiliative behaviors, including those associated with
reproduction, grooming and parenting. The word "affiliation" is
derived from the Latin affiliare (to adopt), and includes different
forms of social behavior which involve bringing conspecifics into
close proximity for the formation of a social bond. Different
hormonal milieus are responsible for the onset and maintenance of
these actions, but all of them are known to be controlled (at least in
part) by the hormone oxytocin.
Oxytocin is familiar to most of us as a hormone of pregnancy. Oxytocin
levels are elevated in the bloodstream of mammals at the time of
birth. During labor in humans, it is often administered in the form of
Pitocin in order to facilitate the expulsion of the fetus. This is by
far its most familiar effect in all mammals -- to increase the
contractility of the uterus. The uterus is a smooth muscle, and
oxytocin causes contraction of other smooth muscles in the mammary
glands, in order to elicit the milk let-down reflex in response to
Have you ever wondered at the transformation of the female rat into a
loving and caring mother after giving birth? The very same hormone
that facilitates labor in the mother rat -- oxytocin -- is also
responsible for the parenting behavior that follows parturition. In
addition to acting at peripheral locations (i.e., uterus, mammary
glands), oxytocin acts in the brain to mediate behaviors that ensure
reproductive success.
Oxytocin is a peptide hormone that is actually produced in two
discrete groups of neurons in the brain of all mammals. One group of
oxytocin-producing neurons projects to the posterior pituitary, which
is an endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. From the
pituitary, oxytocin is released into the bloodstream, whereby it
exerts the well-known peripheral effects like uterine contraction and
milk let-down. The other group of oxytocin-containing neurons projects
directly to specific brain areas that are known to mediate maternal
behaviors. By acting locally as a chemical messenger in these brain
areas, oxytocin acts as a regulator or controller of maternal
Maternal behavior, i.e. caretaking, serves to protect, warm, feed and
clean newborn pups until they are able to perform these tasks
themselves. This behavior is sharply defined and begins immediately
after parturition in the rat. In response to her young, a female
nurses by crouching over her pups and making her nipples
available. She will lick her pups to elicit elimination, and retrieve
strayed pups by carrying them in her mouth back to the nest. When
presented with nest material, maternally responsive females respond by
building a nest. Finally, a mother rat will attack and drive away
intruders when caring for her young. In contrast, a nonpregnant female
will immediately withdraw when presented with pups, or even
cannibalize them. Moreover, females would rather pick up food pellets
vs. pups prior to parturition, but show a clear preference for the
pups after giving birth. However, if oxytocin is administered to a
virgin rat, she will begin to exhibit maternal behaviors towards young
It is likely that a rise in oxytocin and other hormones of pregnancy
during gestation and parturition are responsible for the "switching
on" of maternal behaviors. During pregnancy, the ovary produces
elevated levels of estrogen. It is believed that estrogen serves to
"prime" the brain for oxytocin binding, actually making oxytocin
receptors (=binding sites) more plentiful during this time. So, even
though oxytocin is always present within the brain, the increase in
oxytocin receptor binding just prior to and at parturition is what
triggers the onset of maternal behaviors in the rat.
Oxytocin may also facilitate bonding of young to their mother by
promoting pup attachment to the nipple. Oxytocin is very concentrated
in the milk of lactating rats. Washing the belly of a rat mother
removes an important olfactory cue for pup attachment. Topical
oxytocin administration on the mother has been reported to re-instate
nipple attachment within minutes, even in the absence of milk
ejection. It is known that more receptors for oxytocin are present in
the fetal rat brain compared to the adult rat brain. Perhaps oxytocin
from the mother is triggering affiliative behavior in pups by binding
to olfactory areas of the brain, thus setting off a signaling cascade
to stimulate feeding.
Oxytocin is associated with reproduction not only in female rats, but
also in males. It has been shown that oxytocin administration improves
the copulatory performance in rats by shortening the latency between
mounting of the female and ejaculation of sperm. In addition,
chronically administered oxytocin increases nonsexual social
interactions in both male and female rats. In rats that are
administered oxytocin over long periods of time, the duration of
physical contact with members of the opposite sex is significantly
increased Moreover, grooming and genital sniffing of females by male
rats increases. It appears that oxytocin may play a role in making
our pet rats more friendly!
So, the next time you are lucky enough to observe your rat go through
the activities of motherhood, think about the incredible interplay of
hormones that enable her to successfully raise her young. When it
comes to survival of a species, we humans do not differ much from rats
in terms of hormonal control of reproduction and parental
care. Perhaps oxytocin may even play role in the bonding of us rat
owners with our long-tailed friends!