I believe every hobby breeder has the best of intentions when they first make
the decision to breed rats or mice for pet or show. However, somewhere along
the line, many of those breeders lose sight of the fact that it was the love
of the animals that brought them to the fancy to begin with. These breeders
frequently find themselves overwhelmed, having too many animals, and being
unable to care for them properly.
All too often, the show bench interferes with a breeder making the right
decision for the animals in his care. Just like somebody becoming addicted to
gambling, it is possible for a breeder to become obsessed with winning
ribbons. The competition is just too great for some people, and they will
breed and breed and breed until they can finally beat that person who always
takes home the Best In Show ribbon. I have even seen breeders of one species
get involved with breeding another so they have more chances at winning
ribbons. Yes, winning ribbons is fun, but it should not be the primary
motivation for breeding any animal.
We have recently heard several horror stories about deplorable conditions in
some breeder’s ratteries and mouseries. Those stories were the impetus for
writing this article. The following are details of some of the conditions we
were made aware of - please don’t let anything like this happen to the animals
in your care.
- Breeders using show boxes to house animals in, stacked one on top of the
other in hallways.
- Rats and mice in cages in just about every room in the house, and even in
sheds outside with little or no ventilation.
- Overcrowding so bad that the rats were fighting, causing open wounds which,
left untreated, became abscessed, leading to the owner stating there was
green-blue pus oozing from her rats.
- Newspaper being used for bedding and cages so filthy that one’s eyes burned
upon entering the room.
- Mice with only a couple of inches left at the top of their cage in which to
live because there was so much buildup of filth.
- Breeders, breeding animals who are not disease resistant, and, in fact,
have a history of respiratory disease.
If you aren’t breeding because you love the animal, then you should not be
breeding at all. Sadly, there are already enough people out there producing
reptile food. It is hypocritical to say you love these animals and then turn
around and sell your excess as ‘snake food,’ or to cull your litters down
because you already ‘have too many and cannot find homes for all of them.’ If
you love these animals, you need to take a stand for their well-being and
importance as a species, but most of all, as pets. That means you must take
responsibility for every animal you bring into this world. With that in mind,
let’s talk about some of the things you need to consider before you make the
decision to start breeding, or to continue, if you are already doing so.
We hear people say how inexpensive rats and mice are to keep as pets. It is
simply not true. You may be lucky enough to get a healthy animal who never
requires vet care, but chances of that happening are slim. It is difficult
enough when you have a few rats or mice who require costly medical care, but
what do you do when you have a breeding colony of 20 to 100 or more animals?
Can you afford to purchase proper medication for that many animals? If not,
and you under medicate, are you creating a terrible antibiotic-resistant
strain of some opportunistic bacteria you have in your rattery or mousery and
are passing it around to everyone else? Can you afford to have tumors removed
on every animal in your care that might get them? Can you pay for an emergency
c-section on a rat having birthing problems, or any other surgeries or
treatments that might be needed? With that many animals, unless you are rich,
your animals are not going to receive the medical care they deserve.
In addition to medical care, the cost of housing and caring for the animals in
your charge can be overwhelming. It is your responsibility to house each
animal in conditions that are not only good for its physical health, but for
its mental health as well. For rats, it is unacceptable to buy cheap aquariums
or even expensive lab cages in which to house your animals. They are simply
too small to allow room enough for toys and other items to provide mental
stimulation. Large aquariums, or preferably, safe large wire cages are
required to give rats places to go and things to do to keep their minds
occupied. These accommodations are also very expensive, costing anywhere from
$50 to $200 each, not to mention the cost of toys to put in them! How many
animals can you afford to buy cages and toys for?
You must also consider that healthy food and beddings are not cheap. Rats and
mice should be provided a good quality lab block as a base diet, and a good
quality grain and seed mix should be given a couple times a week (optional).
They should also be given fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
Pregnant and nursing females should also be provided with a good quality
kitten kibble such as Iams or Nutro, along with much more of the daily foods
you are already giving. It is not cheap to feed that many animals, nor is it
cheap to provide healthy beddings for that many animals. For the health of the
animals, bedding needs to be changed at least once a week, depending on the
size of the cage and the number of animals housed in it. A mother rat with
babies will likely need her cage cleaned even more often - every couple of
days. How many bags of CareFRESH, Sani-chips, Gentle Touch, Cell Sorb, Aspen,
or rabbit pellets can you afford to buy each month?
Most people, unless they are rich, are on a budget and only have so much money
per month to spend on hobbies, entertainment, and pets. We can all have
unexpected expenses come up in any month that uses up some of that money as
well - especially people with children. These things need to be considered and
planned for. It is not acceptable not to provide care because you cannot
afford it, or to put innocent animals in your charge at the bottom of your
priority list. If you feel it is acceptable, then you should not have them -
it is simply not fair. They did not choose to be in your care. Keep only the
number of animals you can properly provide for.
In my experience, it is impossible to give more than 20 or so rats the love
and attention they need and deserve. At my highest numbers of over 50 (not
counting babies), it progressed to the point that many of my animals were not
getting much attention except at cage cleaning time, and I was someone who
worked at home and had more free time than the average person! I had become
overwhelmed and was heartbroken when I realized that my own animals were being
neglected. This realization was part of my decision to stop breeding and
concentrate on the rats already in my care, and on rescuing and placing abused
and abandoned rats into loving homes.
How much free time do you have? Do you work outside the home, leaving only the
evenings and weekends to care for and play with your rats? Calculate how much
time you feel you can reasonably spend with your animals. If you have a
husband or children the time will be even lower or you will cause resentment
within the family. Once you have calculated how much time you can devote to
your animals, subtract how much time it will take you to clean their cages,
medicate them if necessary, prepare foods for them, or anything else that is
necessary. How much time does that leave you each day to play with your rats
or mice? Now, divide that amount of time between the number of animals you
have. How much actual time will you be able to handle, play with, and love
each rat or mouse? Keep only the number of animals you can give enough love
and attention to.
You must also consider the time needed to imprint and socialize each baby born
in your care. After all, why breed unless you are going to produce friendly
pets! It is imperative that you handle the babies as much as possible every
day to make them the best pets possible.
For many breeders, breeding is all about improving physical features (color,
body type, eye size, ears, head shape, markings, etc...). We all love to see
a beautiful show rat, but that should not be the most important factor in
breeding. Health and temperament should come first.
Most rats will end up with respiratory infections caused by mycoplasma
pulmonis at some point in their life. Many females will also end up with
mammary tumors. Oftentimes, these health problems occur later in life after
you have already bred the animal and have passed on its genes. Possibly even
after the people who bought its offspring have bred them as well. Once you
know that a line is not myco-resistant or tumor resistant, you can stop
breeding rats from that line, but can you guarantee that everyone with their
offspring will do the same? Simply put, do you want to be responsible for
perpetuating animals with medical problems? This often leads to people ending
their relationship with rats and mice as pets because they don’t feel they can
get a healthy animal, and the heartbreak and expense of going through the
problems over and over are too much for them. I hear this all too often and it
breaks my heart.
If you are a breeder who loves his animals, placing your babies into loving
homes is going to be your goal. You may think that because you spent so much
time with them, the result being beautiful, healthy animals with fabulous
temperaments, that it is going to be a breeze to accomplish this goal. Think
again. Do you live in an area where rats and mice are popular pets? If not, it
will be almost impossible for you to find homes for your babies. And even if
you live where there is a chapter of a rat or mouse club, there will be many
other people breeding, and you will have to compete for the few homes that are
What will you do if you cannot place all of them? Will you keep them? If you
do and you continue to breed, in no time you will be overwhelmed with more
animals than you can properly care for, which will lead to inhumane
conditions. Out of desperation will you do something immediately inhumane and
release them into the wild to fend for themselves where they may be tormented
and killed by a cat, dog, or bird of prey or where they may starve to death?
Will you dump them off at a pet shop that will ultimately sell them for
reptile food? I certainly hope not. It is imperative that you are humane in
every action you take when it comes to these innocent little lives.
To be able to continue breeding and keep your population down, will you
consider culling? If you have a litter too big and you fear you may not be
able to place them all, will you consider culling? I certainly hope not! Some
clubs will try to tell you that culling is necessary, using many irrational
arguments to try to justify their behavior. Culling is a betrayal of the
animals we say we love. RMCA does not condone this behavior and recommends
that you use responsible breeding practices to control your population. We
will publish a full article on this subject in a future issue.
Photo by Mary Ann Isaksen
Okay, so you were successful in placing each one of the babies in your litter
into what you considered to be a loving home. That’s fantastic. Now, every
cage you own is filled to capacity and somebody who bought a couple of rats
from you cannot keep them any longer and wants you to take them back. They
tell you that if you can’t take them they will release them outside, will take
them to the pet shop, or will put them to sleep. It is your duty as a
responsible breeder to take them back, but where do you put them? They may
even need medical attention and you’re at your limit. How do you pay for it?
How are you going to feel when you hear about, or see some of the animals you
handled and loved from birth being kept in deplorable conditions and are not
being given the medical treatment they require? What is going to happen to you
emotionally when you discover animals that you handled and loved from birth
have ended up as snake food? Can you live with the fact that offspring of
animals you have produced may be purchased by someone who breeds them for
reptile food?
I’ll never be able to forget the wonderful little Platinum boy from one of my
litters years ago. I placed him into the home of a fellow AFRMA member - a
home I thought was going to give him plenty of love and attention. I really
wanted to keep him, but I knew the more I kept, the less attention the others
would get, and the girl was so excited about getting him. I gave in and let
her take him. The next time I saw her at a show, I asked how he was doing. She
told me she had decided not to breed him and had taken him to a pet shop. I
was outraged, but there was nothing I could do except be sure to never give
her another animal. I hate to think about it, but this kind of thing happens
all the time. Can you handle that?
As a responsible breeder it is also your duty to educate yourself as
thoroughly as possible about the care, medical conditions and treatments of
the animals you breed. It is also your responsibility to answer questions and
help educate anyone who buys an animal from you. Do you have the time and
inclination to research and learn and to make yourself available when people
need you?
The best way to keep up with the latest information is to join one of the
rodent clubs (preferably one that respects the animals’ welfare), so you can
exchange information with other pet owners.
There is no money to be made breeding rats and mice, unless you are a feeder
breeder, which is something no rat or mouse loving person would do. Therefore,
if you think you’re going to be able to make enough money to pay for the
upkeep of your animals, you’re sadly mistaken. A small fee should be charged
for every animal you produce, hopefully to ensure that the person who
purchased it will respect it enough to properly care for it, but that will
never cover your costs. Count on having to come out of pocket for the majority
of your animal expenses.
If you’re breeding a litter ‘just to see’ what you will get, please don’t.
There are already enough unwanted rats and mice in the world who are being put
to sleep in shelters, sold as reptile food in pet stores, and being abused in
unloving homes. Please don’t contribute to the problem.
If you’re breeding a litter because it would be educational for your classroom
or for your own children to experience, remember, anything can go wrong and it
may not be a joyful experience for the kids. In fact, it can be emotionally
devastating if things do not go as planned. Chances are extremely slim that
your children will actually be able to witness the birth anyway. You must also
remember that any animal you breed may die in the birthing process. Can you
live with being responsible for your pet’s death? Can you find homes for all
of the babies? What kind of message are you sending to the children if you
breed a litter and can’t find good homes for all of the babies?
This article was written to make you think, but if after reading this, you
still want to breed, I hope you will take care not to get out of control. The
only way to be sure of that is to breed only a small number of litters per
year. If you specialize in one type of rat or mouse, you can keep your lines
going with very few annual litters. I bred an average of one litter per month
and managed to have a population of over 50 in no time. It’s far too easy to
get out of control. You can be there before you even realize it. My conditions
were never horrible, but I was not able to give them the attention they
Instead of concentrating on trying to win ribbons or creating the most
beautiful rat or mouse ever, if you’re going to breed, please concentrate on
being responsible and breeding for health and temperament. And for all of us,
let’s concentrate on having fun, providing excellent care, and enjoying our
wonderful pets. After all, isn’t that why we got rats and mice to begin with?