January 1996's Rats of the Month

January rats

Name: Lucy (black) and Jeannie (Albino)
Birthdate: July 26
Weight: Lucy-13 oz.; Jeannie-12 oz.
Companions: Each other and Cheryl Tofsrud
Turn Ons: Walks, old reruns of "I Dream of Jeannie" and "I Love Lucy," and nests
Turn offs: Baths, dogs that bark at us through our cage bars.
Favorite Food: Yogurt drops, lettuce, dry cereal
Ambition: To continue life as it is - comfortable home with a loving human friend.

Send your nominees,vital statistics and photos for rat or mouse of the month to:
Rat & Mouse Gazette
13075 Springdale Street, Suite 302
Westminster CA 92683.

E-mail: RMGazette@aol.com