Breeders of any domesticated animals ARE and SHOULD BE
“playing God.” In the wild, animals have control in the form of their own selectivity
to decide with whom they will breed, and even if they will give birth. Important factors
include climate, food supply, space, predator number and type, etcetera.
Additionally, who lives long enough to breed is determined by who survives.
Those with “negative” features for their environment, including low resistance
to disease, antisocial temperaments, poor survival skills, inability to avoid
predators, and even tendency towards developing life-hindering tumors, simply
do not reproduce successfully, because nature itself performs culling.
Culling, in the widest sense, simply means that an individual will not
reproduce, hence pass on its genes to the next generation. They can live a
very long, happy life, but if they do not breed, their genes have been culled
from the stock. Thus, any practice which removes individuals from the breeding
pool could be considered “culling,” and it does not necessarily mean the individual must be
dead. Yes, the most common meaning does refer to removing babies from litters,
but it can also include spaying/neutering and simply keeping your pet apart
from the opposite sex so it won’t breed, in this sense.
Nature, then, does not act so strongly on domesticated animals. When our
animals get sick, we treat them. When they develop tumors, we have them
removed. In all but the most extreme cases, we, the breeders, can allow
animals to survive which would not have, and to breed which would not have in
the wild. Very often, our intervention gives the animal a much longer and
happier life than would have been theirs in the unforgiving wild. In this, we
are “playing God.”
Those are the facts. Now into my opinions:
All breeders of domesticated animals have a responsibility to the animals
they breed. This goes far, far beyond simply making sure they have homes, and
we are shirking our responsibilities if we neglect this fact. We have a
responsibility to produce, in our playing of God, the best possible animals we
can. We have a responsibility to isolate and remove as many detrimental genes
as we can, just as nature does. We DO NOT have to do this by killing anything,
but we do have to do it by breeding responsibly. There are genetic and
environmental, both, components to everything from how easily your rat comes
down with a respiratory infection, how likely it is to develop tumors, how
large its litter will be, how friendly, calm, intelligent it will be, to the
color and texture of its coat and markings. Any breeder who just breeds for
color, size, or any of the above, and ignores all other factors is shirking
his duty. Of course, it is impossible to know every gene in every one of your
animals, to predict exactly the litter you will get out of any cross, but it
is possible to look into what is probably genetic, what is probably
environmental, and to not breed an
animal that might be carrying something detrimental. If you notice one of your
rats always seems to miss the virus that
wanders through your colony, or shows no signs of the tumors some of your
others have displayed, or is exceptionally clever, sweet, gentle, but perhaps
has less than perfect markings, by all means breed it rather than the one with
perfect markings that
you had to medicate repeatedly, that gets nippy when the pressure drops, or
that always picks fights. You can always work a color into your stock, often
far easier than you can work a poor immunity out.
Inbreeding, outbreeding, picking up that cute boy you saw at the show... all
of these are largely irrelevant if the stock you are working with is stock
with as many genetic problems worked
out as possible. Yes, there will always be floating recessives just hanging
around to spoil your plans. Yes, there will always be
random mutations in an otherwise exemplary stock, but, that is,
I think, there to remind us that no matter how hard we try, we can’t really BE
God, just play God.
If everyone would focus on the collective health of the rat,
as well as their favorite features, then culling might well become a non-issue
entirely. You’d never have to worry, when you picked up a new pet at the shop,
if they might be carrying something that will give their offspring less happy
lives, through sickness
or poor temper or what have you.
However, unfortunately, I don’t think this vision is possible, with all the
“puppy-farm” style mass-production. But, each breeder can do his part, by
breeding responsibly, and tracking carefully. If you have rats you need to
find homes for that shouldn’t be bred, do your best to make sure their new
owners know they are pets-only and not to be bred. Offer them breeding stock
if they ever decide to breed, and give them an easy way to keep in contact
with you. Try, if you can, to track the progress and life of as many of your
offspring as possible, since not everything shows up in the first few months.
Use forums, like the rats list on the Internet, and the publications of the
rat and mouse organizations to pass along any information you can on anything
you’ve had success isolating or breeding out.
On more expensive and slower-reproducing animals, like dogs, horses, etc,
killing offspring is almost never an option,
and many breeders sell animals at varying prices, requiring an agreement to
get the animal spayed or neutered to be signed, before selling them at a lower
price than breeding stock. I’m not sure how viable an option that is for rats,
but we can at least do our part by suggesting “pet” and “breeder” animals,
helping new breeders to understand things that should be avoided in breeding
animals, and, of course, by being selective in our own breeding.