NUTRI-CAL Dietary supplement
Nutrical is a great supplement; rich golden brown and the consistency of
toothpaste, rats find it irisistable. I would recommend giving it to your rats
early in life so they get familiar with the taste. If they ever get sick,
Nutrical can literally save a rat's life. This is something they may eat even
when a food they love (like avocado) fails to interest them.
It also can prove very effective as a training aid. Since it is so palatable
to rats, they go out of their way to obtain this reward. Easy to treat them
right from the tube.
Also useful as a camouflage for oral medications, especially pill form. The
tiny pill nugget can be hidden right in the tip of the tube of Nutrical and
eaten right along with it. Usually the rat has no idea she has eaten a pill,
since she is so busy just trying to get more! You need to research local pet
stores since the price can fluctuate from between $7 and $10 per tube. I can
also be purchased far cheaper from Omaha Vaccine (800.367.4444) and KV Vet
Supply (800.423.8211). Also available at all RMCA shows.
All products reviewed become the property of Rat & Mouse Club of America.