Mykiss walks down the hall, stops and sniffs, then turns the corner into the
master bedroom. He climbs onto a pile of pillows lying on the floor, then
pauses, crouches, and makes a flying leap onto the bed. After finding his
owner's chin and giving it a friendly nip and kiss, he jumps onto the
nightstand and samples the contents in the glass standing there. Having
exhausted all interesting possibilities on top of the bed, Mykiss climbs down
and runs to his favorite spot beneath to rest.
Oh, another full morning in the life of a pet rat! Our friends are always
eager to explore and experience their surroundings. How do such small
animals orient themselves in such a large world? We humans rely primarily on
our vision to get around. As mammals, rats and humans possess identical
structures in their eyes, but the similarity ends there. Although rats
utilize their visual sense, the cues it provides them are much different than
what we experience.
The young rat's eyes begin to open 14-17 days after birth, and may actually
be used to determine its age in the absence of other information. The rat
eye, like that of all mammals, is composed of four primary parts: the
cornea, iris, lens and retina. The cornea is the outermost transparent layer
of the eye, through which light enters. Behind the cornea lies the iris,
which is a thin, circular-shaped screen perforated by the pupil. The pupil
serves as an aperture and functions to regulate the amount of entering light
by either increasing or decreasing in diameter. Pigmentation of the iris is
what gives the eye its color. Albino rats have pink eyes not because there
is pink pigment in the iris; rather, it is the absence of color in the iris
that allows the reddish retinal blood vessels in the back of the eye to be
visible. The transparent biconvex body of the lens lies behind the pupil,
and it serves to focus light on the retina. The retina occupies the
rear-most position in the eye, and it is the part that contains
photosensitive components of the eye -- the rods and cones. The retina is
nervous tissue (actually an extension of the brain!), which receives signals
generated by external objects and transmits them, via the optic nerve, to the
brain for interpretation. On the exterior of the eyeball lie six muscles
that function to move
it in all directions.
Do rats perceive color images like we do? Interestingly, color vision in
mammals is rare, the exception being tree-dwelling and fruit-eating species
like squirrels and primates. It is believed that the ability to perceive
color aids these animals in obtaining food. In the retina, there are two
types of photoreceptors: rods and cones. Rods are detectors of tone, i.e.,
gradations of lightness and darkness, and cones are sensitive to color. In
rats, rods are the primary photoreceptor, while cones are scarce (less than
1% of total photoreceptors). Although the cones in the rat eye are shown to
have sensitivity to green and UV light, behavior experiments have
demonstrated that rats lack
color vision.
Rats have laterally-placed eyes that sit on the sides of their heads. This
placement allows very little overlap of the visual field of each eye.
Panoramic rather than binocular vision is the rule -- panoramic vision gives
the rat a wide uninterrupted field of view; this likely helps it to escape
predators, among other things. Rats do have some binocular ability that is
limited to distant objects. Binocular vision is the fusion of separate
images captured at slightly different angles by each eye, which makes depth
perception possible. In addition, rat eyes are unable to accommodate
(successfully image objects at different distances), and it is believed that
most small animals have such poor vision that these fine adjustments are not
worthwhile, anyhow.
Part of the reason why rats have such poor eyesight is because generally the
eyes of small and nocturnal animals are far-sighted, which signifies a lack
of need for optical quality. Like most nocturnal animals, rats depend less
on vision than do diurnal (active in the daytime) ones. Rather, rats have
sacrificed much visual capacity and instead rely more on olfactory (smell),
auditory (hearing), and tactile (touch) abilities. This phenomenon is
clearly illustrated in the observance of certain strains of rats that undergo
spontaneous retinal degeneration soon after birth. Compared to normal,
sighted rats, these animals show no differences in behavior under daylight
conditions. Compare this behavior to that of a blind bird or kitten, both of
which would be virtually helpless without sight.
Although visual acuity is poor, the rat has a large cornea and pupil, as well
as a powerful lens. Coupled with the rod-dominated retina, these components
result in a very light-sensitive organ that is a good detector of movement.
It has been demonstrated that neither the sight nor smell of a cat will
produce defensive reactions in a rat, but movement of a cat or an inanimate
object (a card, for example), will result in defensive posture. This
suggests that motion of the predator, rather than its visual image, is a
major factor in the initiation of defense responses in the rat. In certain
instances, however, rats do use vision for short-range purposes. For
example, wild rats have been observed to discriminate between sizes of
sunflower seeds, choosing long over short seeds. Young rats at play with
one another use visual rather than tactile (from whiskers) cues to orient
themselves before attacking one another's back. In the instance that one rat
steals a food pellet from the other, the victim also responds from visual
When using their vision for orientation, rats are guided by more distant
objects rather than nearby ones. The biologist M.T. Block stated that nearby
objects are not the most significant for rat vision because At close range
the rat has his nose and [whiskers] to fall back on and only uses vision as a
last resort. He went on to state that the rat's visual system functions to
orient it in space, to recognize relative distance and direction, and that
recognition of objects and forms is possible but secondary to the coordinate
system. To support Block's hypothesis, it has been shown that rats trained
to run in an open-air maze are guided by cues outside the maze, rather than
inside. In experiments where the original maze was rotated 90-180 in a
room, rats performed poorly. Apparently, they were guided by spatial cues,
such as light from a window or patterns on the ceiling or wall. Once these
cues were
moved, the rats were literally lost!
Back to Mykiss' trip through the apartment: Perhaps the sun streaming from
the bedroom window is what guided him down the hallway, and he climbed onto
the pillow pile using primarily tactile cues. Due to lack of depth
perception at close range, he overcompensated and made a very long jump onto
the bed, then used his sense of smell to find his loyal owner. After
quenching his thirst, he again used spatial cues to safely jump from the bed,
then his olfactory sense guided him to his well-marked sleeping spot. Our
rat friends utilize sensory information that we are not capable of detecting
nor discerning, and this helps guide them through their day. No, they don't
see what we do, but they are aware of their surroundings in a way that suits
their lifestyle just