RMCA Rat Standards


The RMCA currently recognizes the following markings:

IRISHWhite (inverted) equilateral triangle on chest with front feet white to half their length. The triangle to be of good size, clear cut and devoid of brindling, not to extend in a streak down the belly, but to occupy all of the space between the front legs. The body color to conform to a recognized color.Triangle irregular in shape; triangle extending onto sides or front legs; colored spots within the triangle; white on feet too high or too low.
BLAZEThis marking may be shown in Berkshire, Variegated, or Odd-Eye in any color. A wedge shaped blaze of white should run from the muzzle to the ears including the whisker beds, tapering to a fine point between the ears. Blaze too short or too narrow; color too high or too low on whisker bed.
BERKSHIRETo be symmetrically marked, with as much white on the chest and belly as possible. The white will not extend up the sides of the body, the edges will be clear cut and devoid of brindling. Back feet to be white to the ankle, forelegs to be white to half the leg. Tail to be white to half its length. The body color will conform to a recognized color. The white area will be pure and devoid of any color or staining. A white spot on the forehead or Blaze is desirable.Missing spot on forehead or Blaze; feet or tail not white; colored spots on white belly; brindled edges.
VARIEGATED The head and shoulders to be of any recognized color with a white blaze or spot on forehead. The variegation to cover the body from the shoulders to the tail including the sides and tail. Belly fur to be white, devoid of creamy tinge or staining. Missing blaze or spot on forehead; ragged edge (brindling) on the hood marking; color splashes too large or too solid; not enough color splashes.
DALMATIANDalmatians can be exhibited in any recognized color. Markings should be similar to Vairegated mice with color splashes on a white background. Splashes should be abundant and ragged in outline, roughly the same size, and cover the entire body. Color splashes too large or too solid; not enough color splashes; missing color splashes on belly.
HOODEDHooded rats can be exhibited in any recognized color. The hood should be complete, covering the head, throat, chest, and shoulders, except in light colored markings where a pale colored throat and chest is allowable. The hood should be continuous with the spine marking extending down the back to the tail, with as much of the tail as possible being colored. The spine marking should be 1/4 to 1 inch wide, be unbroken, and be as straight and even as possible. All white areas should be free of spots or brindling. Ragged edges on the hood or spine markings; spine marking too wide or too slender; spine marking not continuous; white on the throat or chin; spots of color or brindling in white areas; spots on tail.
BAREBACKEDBarebacks can be exhibited in any recognized color. The hood should be complete, covering the head, throat, chest, and shoulders, except in light colored markings where a pale colored throat and chest is allowable. All white areas should be free of spots or brindling.Ragged edges on the hood marking; white on throat or chin; spots of color or brindling in white areas; spots on tail.
CAPPEDCapped rats can be exhibited in any recognized color. Color is not to extend past the ears, should follow the line of the lower jaw bone, and should not extend under the chin. Should have a white spot on forehead, or a blaze. The rest of the body should be a clean white with no spots or brindling. Ragged edges on cap; color anywhere on the body except the head.
MASKEDMasked rats can be exhibited in any recognized color. A colored mask should cover the face just around the eyes and above the nose and should not extend down the sides of the face, under the chin, or up to the ears. The rest of the body should be a clean white with no spots or brindling. Mask running too high up to the ears; ragged edges; brindled mask; mask running too low onto the sides of the face or chin; color anywhere on the body except the face.

30 points for marking, 20 points for color.