AGOUTI | the color is a rich chestnut with
dark slate at the base of the hair; coat is evenly ticked with black guard
hairs; belly color is silver gray | black |
AMBER | light
golden orange, evenly interspersed with light hairs; belly color is light, but
not white | red |
BLUE AGOUTI | medium slate at the base of the
hair with a yellow-tan band on top; coat is evenly ticked with blue guard hairs;
belly color is silver blue | dark ruby to black |
gray with medium slate at the base of the hair; coat is evenly ticked with
black guard hairs | black |
russet brown, evenly ticked with chocolate guard hairs, with medium slate at
the base of the hair; belly color as Agouti but of a lighter shade | dark ruby or black |
CINNAMON PEARL | three bands of color from the
base up -- cream, blue, orange, with silver guard hairs, to give an overall
golden appearance with a silver sheen; belly fur pale silver gray | black |
rich golden orange as deep as possible; belly color is
slightly lighter | dark ruby |
LYNX | gray-tan
with light slate at the base of the hair; coat is evenly ticked with mocha guard
hairs; belly color is light silver gray-tan | dark ruby |
PEARL | palest
silver, shading to creamish undercolor; each hair to be delicately tipped with
gray evenly over the whole animal; belly fur is pale silver-gray; foot color to
match top | black |