Copyright Notice

All text, art work and graphics on this site are protected by U.S. copyright and international treaties and may not be copied without the expressed, written permission from the RMCA, who reserves all rights to these materials. Violators will be prosecuted to the limits of the law. Reuse of any text, graphics or art work, unless permission is specifically stated on this site, is strictly prohibited.

DO NOT copy or adapt the HTML, CSS, JavaScript or any other scripting languages or elements from the RMCA site. This also is covered by the RMCA's copyright.

Cartoon Logo  Funky Logo  Standard Logo  Furry Friends Orphanage

Cartoon Logo, Funky Logo, Standard Logo and Furry Friends Orphanage Logo are trademarks owned by the Rat & Mouse Club of America. You may post an RMCA logo on your Rodent-Friendly web site. We do require that your give us credit and provide an active link back to our site.

Linking to the Mouse Knight

Cutter Hays has kindly provided this image for web sites that wish to link to The Mouse Knight. You may post this image on your Rodent-Friendly web site. We do require that your provide an active link back to our site or directly to The Mouse Knight. Please save this image to your own server rather than linking directly to our site. The Mouse Knight (Copyright 2002 Cutter Hays)
Click here for a larger version.


Some artwork and photographs are available here with the kind permission of the artists. If you wish to use their materials in another publication or web site, you must seek permission from them, not the RMCA.