Disclaimer and all that
The RMCA did not write many of these FAQs, we are merely making other
people's much appreciated hard work more available to the WWW. We
can't take credit, but we can't guarantee the contents either, and in
some cases we do disagree with the advice given. But by gathering all
the avaliable internet FAQs in one place, we hope to provide you with
all the info possible, and if anything better inform the reader,
rather than have them biased by a single FAQ. Read them all, ask
questions, talk to your vet, and decide for yourself.
Unless otherwise stated in the FAQ, feel free to copy these FAQs, send
them to friends, etc., as long as you don't change the contents. If
you decide to post them anywhere, please ask the editors first (their
email addresses are listed in the FAQs) so that you know for sure it's
ok, and so that they can send you updated versions as they come along.
Many people now prefer that you simply link to their web site, so that
they can ensure that everyone sees the most up to date version.
Note: Virginia
keeps a sorted list of all the articles online on her web page.
She also has gathered some useful info that isn't here. So you may want to
take a look at
Virginia's web
as well.
Table of Contents: FAQS
Table of Contents: Articles Available on the RMCA Site
Animal Welfare
International News
- African Rats - The Deadly Illness by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Arthritis in Rats, A Remedy? by Sarah Shuman
- Be Prepared For Medical Situations by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Care of Older Paralyzed Rats by Kaleigh Hessel
- Choking by Mary Ann Isaksen
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in Rats by Melissa Pandajis
- Dos and Don'ts of Sendai and SDA Quarantine by Theresa Lee
- Drug Chart by Mary Ann Isaksen and Daryl Mabley, D.V.M.
- Gentamicin and Tylan by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Getting Medications into Your Rat by Lorelei Whitney
- Giving Tylan by Charlene Crain
- The Great Spay Debate by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Herbal Help for Rat Respiratory Problems by Flora Johnson Skelly
- Melissa's Body Wrap by Melissa Pandajis
- A Message from Modern Ferret Magazine
- Mites: A Very Unusual Case by Th. P.M. van Noort, Veterinarian, The Netherlands
- My Remy by Catherine Graf
- Mycoplasmosis in the Pet Rat by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Nursing Care by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Orange Juice, D-Limonene, and Cancer in Male Rats by Brian Lee
- On Scruffing and Giving Medicine to Mice by Cutter Hays
- Quarantine: Protection for Your Pets by Patricia Whipple
- Rat Ear Hematoma by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Rat Respiratory Disease: The Use of Albuterol Treatments by Kaleigh Hessel
- Respiratory Infections in Pet Rats by Virginia Simpson
- The Right To Live by Mary Ann Isaksen
- SDA Virus - Sialodacryoadentitis Virus in Pet Rats by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Selecting a Veterinarian by Susan Brown, DVM
- Sendai Virus: Not Just A Mouse Disease by Jan McArthur, RVT
- Shows Are Dangerous. It Is Good, Common Sense Hygiene. by Theresa Lee
- Skin Abscesses in Small Rodents by Jan McArthur, RVT
- To Spay...Or Not To Spay
by Debbie Ducommun and Mary Ann Isaksen
- Subcutaneous Fluids and Your Rat by Melissa Pandajis
- Trying to Beat Respiratory Problems in Pet Rats: Remy by Catherine Graf
- Tumor Removal and Baytril by Mary Ann Isaksen
- Tumor Study by Kaleigh Hessel
- Tumors in Rats by Debbie Ducommun
- Ulcerative Pododermatitis... aka Bumblefoot & Squeaky by Jan McArthur, RVN
- Weakness in Older Rats: A Paralysis Primer by Kathy Barrett
- What's Bugging Your Rats and Mice? by Jan McArthur, RVN
- The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out by Jan McArthur, RVT
- Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, and Bumblefoot: A Possible Correlation? by Debora Seifried Wind
Product and Book Reviews
Q & A
- Baytril (Enrofloxacin), Bathing Rats
- Breeding, Ulcerative Pododermatitis (Bumblefoot), Tumors, More Tumors.
- Food Freshness, Driving with Rats
- Heart Failure, Mouse Sexing/Life Span, Killer Mother Mouse, Two New Rat Moms
- Intelligence, Longevity, Bloody Mouse Eyes, Non-Breeding Mice, Mouse Pregnancy
- Introductions, Breeding The Blues, Toilet Training, Special Requirements, Swollen Leg
- Jittery Rats, Torn Toenail, Breeding Rats, Ear Biting/Urine Marking, Picky Eater
- Membership, English/American, Dumbo Rats, Show Breeders, Entry Questions, Show Boxes
- Messy Boy, Purchasing, Litter Sources
- Messy Mice, Tumors, Head Tilt
- Mouse Catcher, Rattie Hiccups, Vet Visits, Genetics Related?, Barfly Ratties, Parvosol
- Mouse Murder, Rat Lice, Buying your first Pet Rat
- Neuter Cost, Neck Sores, Breeding, and Nail Clipping
- Neutering, African rats
- Pain and Suffering, Rat Colors, Vaginal Bleeding
- Pregnancy Signs, Socializing/Parasites, Non-Vomiting Rats, Sneezing Rat
- Rat Tails, Home cleaners, Bathing rats.
- Rattie Time, Irritated Skin, Choking, Mouse Hair Loss, Sneezy from Pine?
- Salmonella, Mouse Illness/Sterility, Fat Rat
- Seek Veterinary Advice, Biting Rat, Pregnant Rat, Hairless Breeding Problems
- Standards Changed, Clipping Rat Nails, Handling Rats
- Sterility, Parental Concerns, Aquarium Silicone Caulking, Sarcoptes Mites
- Thieving Rats?, Rattie Rashes, Kissy Rats
- Vaccines, Toothless, Socializing, Mouse Standards
- Zithromax and Sick Rats, Shy Rats, Rat Treats/Diet
Rat Tales
Rattus Biologicus